The NCMNS API Platform was a multi-functional data publishing platform. The overarching goal of the platform was to provide a blueprint for the construction of RESTful APIs to support scientific research, primarily in the fields of biodiversity informatics, biodiversity, geology, and paleontology.
A podcast hosted by Dr. Eric Dorfman, former Director and CEO of the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences and Dr. Dan Dombrowski, the Museum’s Chief Veterinarian. Along with their featured guests, the hosts identify and explore our innate connections to nature through science, art, and living to promote the importance of preserving and protecting our wildlife and wild places to maintain these connections for better health and happiness. The Biophilia Podcast is a production of the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences.
In 2022, the Biophilia Podcast became the Love Nature Podcast with new branding and design. The Love Nature website now occupies the virtual space formerly held by its predecessor.
NC Environmental Restoration Association is a 501c industry group that represents environmental restoration professionals in North Carolina. The website is a ‘single page application'(SPA) where all of the content loads dynamically within a single page request.